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This is the Cycling menu available during cycling.
The buttons are extra large to make clicking them easier during cycling.

What can I say?
Show all speech commands. Default these are guide, map and directions to switch between the three default layouts: guide, blind map and tour description. You can modify these commands to add speech commands to the layouts. You can also tap the option to switch to the desired layout.
Load Tour / Load Guide / Show Blind map
Depending on the layout that has been chosen, you can load the tour description, load the guide or show the blind map.
Set Start Time
When Cyclist Erik has been interrupted during a tour, you can set the original start time again. This way the distance and the blind map will be shown correctly.
Speech On
Turn speech recognition on, so Cyclist Erik will listen permanently to spoken commands.
Speech Off
Speech recognition will be turned off.
Stop Cycling
The Cycling Page is stopped. Normal control is resumed with the menu button at the top left.